Get to Know me #1 (my SECRET GARDEN)

#1 What are my areas of interest / things I’m passionate about ?

– I enjoy writing and blogging. I have two blogs , another professional blog and one dedicated to Foreign Languages “coming soon”.

There’s one where I write literary short stories in “Arabic”. Thanks to that , I had the privilege to be accepted and participate in a creative writing workshop, in Ahfad University, led by Leila Aboulela. She is this talented critically acclaimed Sudanese fiction writer. We were asked to submit a piece of writing about the first book/novel that got us into the habit of reading or writing in the first place! Mine was “Hundred Years of Solitude”. By the end of the workshop I had produced this piece of writing I’m really proud of. It’s not necessarily plot-driven, more of a symbolic short story embedded in the Sudanese culture. The protagonist is this paranoid mentally unstable woman. Who starts developing the belief that every-time she touches a person they either die or have something terrible happen to them. If you’re curious to read some stuff , check my blog:

And there is this one, mostly articles and blog posts where I review books/films and cinema/TV shows. So it’s obvious that the art of storytelling excites me. Both blogs feed my hunger for the arts, storytelling, literature and writing.

Learning languages:

Ever since my days in primary and high school, my favorite classes were “Arabic” and “English”. I found them to be very therapeutic and enriching. So after having graduated from uni, I though to myself why not start learning another foreign language >>>“French”. Why ?

First of all , it’s a beautiful language, the french culture is one of the arts and literature. Also, so many countries do speak the language and belong to the francophone culture so that could always lead to a professional opportunity . In the future I see myself learning “Spanish”as well , even “Hebrew” and sign language ! Why not ?

– I’m into reading, essentially literature “classics, contemporary novels etc.”. I do believe though, that the more you enrich your literary experience and expand the genres you expose yourself to “biographies, psychology etc.” , you get to be more cultured, empathetic and open to diversity and differences.

Voilà! All the aspects and elements that make up my SECRET GARDEN! Where I shine and thrive, enjoy myself and meditate on life!

#2 What I do to unwind/release stress/survive everyday life?

– I walk walk walk , I try my best to climb the stairs instead of riding the elevator, and to practice brisk walking several times during the week. It’s therapeutic , not to mention the perks of being healthy and fit :).

– Sometimes reading a favorite poem/literary quote helps! There’s this book “The Prophet” by Kahlil Gibran that I’m eternally in love with. He writes about all these themes that we experience as human beings “passion,marriage,work …etc.”. His prose is symbolic, poetic and spiritual, all intertwined into this gem of a book! Every-time I read one page of it or a poem that I hold dear to my heart, I transcend just a little bit whatever negative or toxic energy.

Hot drinks, my drug of choice =D! I’m mostly a tea person, so I never stop sipping , there’s always a tea mug brewing somewhere near me. Mug collection is an addiction ;)!

Watch movies,TV shows, official addict of youtube and tiktok videos.


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